
How To Join A Militia Afk Arena

Deep-sea Expedition Guide

The Deep-sea Expedition is a cooperative feature added to AFK Arena in patch 1.39. In patch 1.44, the feature was re-tuned and added dorsum into the game.

The event for it is chosen the "Vault of Time" and lasts for xvi days. Nevertheless, during the concluding 24 hours there is a "Placidity Time" period, where information technology'south still accessible, simply stamina and resource no longer generate.

It also can be found within the Dark Forest.

In society to enter the Abyssal Trek, players must commencement enroll for it. This tin can either be free, or price diamonds. The diamond option volition advantage players more diamonds as a reward if they accomplish a certain rank during the event.

The current requirements for inbound is to complete Stage xv-40.

Credits to Jaeoof, Styleane, AFKArty, Alpattex & Whitesushii for the updated information.

Pre-Abyssal Expedition


2 days before the first of the event, you volition have to enroll into 1 of 2 modes in AE; Casual or Honorable. There are no differences in gameplay between the two, just practice annotation that you lot will be grouped with players that made the same choice as you.

Enrolling into Casual is free and players volition be able to receive the standard rewards.

Enrolling in Honorable costs 3000 diamonds. The bonus being that 6000 diamonds are added into the Rewards List, netting you lot a turn a profit of 3000 diamonds if y'all reach the highest Championship (Prince) and consummate the event.


Spawning In

ABEX will begin once the server resets (at 12 am UTC). You will only spawn into the map later on logging in and clicking on the ABEX event (via the events tab or from the Nighttime Wood) after the upshot officially starts.

Starting Out

Upon entry to AE players must cull whether to spawn on the left or right side. Unlike previous AE'due south, there's no relic/class advantages for the different sides this fourth dimension effectually.

Picking a side will by and large come down to whom you desire to progress with, although the right side does favor the Celerity tree slightly.

As for which relics and heroes to focus on, this fourth dimension the articulate winner is the Celerity tree.

Your First Heroes

In the very beginning you won't have any relics. That means there's no real reward to picking only heroes from one tree.

I would simply pick a team that y'all discover success with in PvE, and 5 heroes who are naturally efficient at immigration weak enemies by themselves. The goal is to use 1 team to accept down difficult tiles, while the other 5 are used for movement. Once y'all've expended all the stamina on these heroes, I advise switching them fully to celerity.

Below are some suggestions simply feel costless to run whatever you lot tin can field full formations for (by and large campaign lineups).

Hero Suggestions

Every bit Celerity is the strongest this fourth dimension, taking mostly heroes from that tree and a few supports (Sustenance) is generally a skilful option for the majority of players.

If you have both Izold at 3/ix furniture and Saurus at +thirty SI, then the option to invest fully into Might relics becomes very viable (and probably all-time).



If you are participating in this event with your guildmates, communicate with them! Coordinating with those who can exist active at the same time every bit you, and spawning shut together volition ensure that y'all are all able to help out ane some other correct away.

Otherwise, if you are playing with random pubs, consider spawning as early as possible to go a spawn location closer to the more eager players.

Listen to the coordination efforts of your Militia. Planning and deciding which boss gate to grouping upwardly at will salve a lot of time and endeavor.

Be willing to communicate! There are incentives for getting equally many members of the militia as possible to the max Title. People will be willing to help.


Garrison a hero on the tile yous get-go on (it'southward vacant by default).

Go along in mind that heroes even so do good from faction gear and the Elder Tree, so make certain to equip gear and put points in the elderberry tree for the heroes you intend to use.

Save stamina by pathing with ane-iii heroes instead of a full squad if possible.

Endeavour to obtain 3 stars from fights as that will refund yous 6 stamina.

When y'all get new hero slots, unslot your strongest team (once they are out of stamina) and place them into the new slots for an instant 60 stamina.

Avert wasting stamina on cursed tiles unless yous know y'all can win. In similar mode, avoid tiles with tough enemies.

Abandon and re-take tiles to complete quests if there aren't plenty.

While pathing, abandon tiles you move off from to save settlement slots.

When fighting a dominate, apply the "Settle" feature on a tile direct connected to it for a 5% harm bonus.

Should Yous Salve Stamina?

I get asked a lot of you lot should save stamina on 5 heroes. For pushing ABEX (Top 100), you should since it lets you maximize dominate damage only for getting Prince rank, it'south unnecessary.

Getting Stronger

Focus all your essence on a single relic tree depending on what setup you lot are going and only invest in other trees where necessary (rank promotion quest).

Generally, prioritize attack relics but for after relic levels, getting 2 inexpensive relics (with some luck from drops) would usually outweigh getting a single relic.

Winning Fights

Stamina is required to initiate a fight and the amount depends on if the fight is a regular tile or a dominate. In full general, regular tiles take 12 stamina per attack. The player generates a fixed 4 nutrient per hour which is 96 food everyday or 8-sixteen battles depending on bonuses.

  • Win Fight (+2 Stamina)
  • No Heroes Lost (+2 Stamina)
  • Win Within 30s (+two Stamina)

Since losing a fight consumes 12 stamina while retrying only takes 1 (again for regular tiles), it'south some- times amend to play on slower speeds and so you can quit/retry before your team gets wiped.

Getting Prince Rank

The maximum rank that tin exist obtained is Prince. This requires you to bargain 100 meg impairment to the terminal dominate and too defeat it.

You should attack once to bargain 45M impairment. This is required for the Duke Rank.

After that, build up your relics and save free energy for equally long as possible. Once you're ready, unload everything onto the bosses with your strongest teams.

Tough Enemies


Heroes Tab

Afterwards spawning, what's next is choosing heroes to fill the starting 10 available slots (image on the right). Do not merely pick your most ascended heroes.

Note that simply heroes of Elite+ (E+) or college tin can be employed in this event.

All employed heroes will exist scaled to Martial Ratings.


Placing a hero in a new slot volition grant the hero 60 Nutrient. Food is used in attacking, to capture tiles and defeat bosses.

Every employed hero will regenerate 1 Nutrient every xv mins, equaling 4 Food per hour; there is no limit to the amount of Food a hero tin can have.

An empty slot does not regenerate Food, so do non leave slots unoccupied and retrieve to fill your new slots as they are unlocked.

Removing a hero volition gear up the Nutrient value of that slot to 0, finer wasting all Food that was there previously.

Picking Heroes

Merely like the Library'southward Elder Tree, Heroes in AE are categorized by the "Branches" they belong to; Rangers are grouped under Celerity, Mages under Sorcery, Supports under Sustenance, Warriors under Might and Tanks under Fortitude.

Generally, Celerity or Sorcery units are the best and quickest at dealing impairment. Choose 1 of those 2 classes and fill your starting ten with 7~eight heroes from this class, fifty-fifty if they are just Elite+. Ascension Tiers do not matter in completing this event.

Make full the remaining slots with Sustenance units and/or units that help deal more damage (Lyca's haste, Lorsan'southward link, etc). Avoid pure defensive or oversupply-control units (Lucius, Tasi, Nemora, etc).

If yous are not sure to go with Celerity or Sorcery, here are some things to consider:

Celerity units are generally amend. More dodge, and less reliance on Ultimates (ults) for damage.

Look at the spread of units y'all accept. Even with point ane taken into consideration, if you have merely 2 employable Rangers but 8 employable Mages, go Mages.

Why don't Ascent Tiers matter?

AE has its version of an "Elder Tree", and the bonuses conferred are massive, easily dwarfing the stat differences between rising tiers.

In the first few hours of the event, before yous learn whatever Relics, you can choose to use your highest ascended heroes to deport yous through your battles. This is due to the significance of the ability differences betwixt higher and low ascended heroes.

Notwithstanding, when you lot accept depleted their stamina and/or take gotten 1 to two Relics on your chief branch, you should switch them out to heroes in your main co-operative.

Why focus on i main class?

The Relics system in AE does not ameliorate linearly. The growth between Levels 1 and 2 is a fraction of the growth between Levels three and 4 (epitome beneath). Enemies in AE also scale with this system in mind, meaning an equal distribution of resource in multiple Branches is very impractical.

A team of 5 units with Relic level ii, spends way more than nutrient to partake in battle and will have worse results than just 1 unit of measurement with relic level 4. (epitome below: 1 focused Ranger has similar power to 4 units of other classes)

Some of the requirements to increment your Championship Rank require you to push button merely 1 tree to a certain milestone. Evenly pushing multiple Branches delays the completion of this job, and volition filibuster the important gameplay bonuses conferred by ranking up your Title.

What if I don't have plenty Mages or Rangers?

You lot will accept to use both Mages and Rangers to occupy your hero slots.

Yous should all the same make 1 grade a priority and simply upgrade secondary classes (Sustenance and whichever of Celerity/Sorcery that isn't your main) afterwards the primary class is capped out.


Basic Gameplay Loop

Spend Food taking battles.

Capture college quality Tiles, abandon lower quality Tiles if you have to while moving towards objectives (Gate Bosses and Final Boss).

Upgrade your Relics and expect for Food to regenerate.



What are Tiles

The Deep-sea Expedition Map is made upward of Tiles and every unclaimed Tile is populated by germination(s) of enemies.

Tiles that you own are coloured in Green while Bluish tiles are owned past your Militia allies. If you are connected to an ally's tile, their tile volition turn greenish-bluish. You can only attack Tiles that are adjacent to your owned tiles OR next to an marry'due south tile of which y'all are connected to. This allows you to hopscotch your way from one corner of the map to some other (epitome beneath).

Owning a tile generates 2 types of resource for you, Relics and Blest Essence. Blessed Essence is used to make Relics and Relics are used to upgrade Branches. Relic drib rates per tile.

Claiming Tiles

Claim Tiles past attacking and defeating the enemy squad(s) that reside on that Tile. The number of tiles you can own at once is stated at the top of the screen, between your Title and Essence gain rate (image on the right); and is increased by raising your Title.

If a Tile has more than 1 formation, the player that wins the last battle claims the tile. Don't worry about militia mates stealing your tile, there's a window after attacking in which only y'all can continue attacking the tile.


All Tiles except Bare tiles tin garrison a hero. Heroes used for Garrisons are taken from the pool of heroes that yous accept and practice not touch your employed heroes, similar to how the Bounty Board works.

By Garrisoning a hero on the tile, the tile generates xx% more Blest Essence.

Types of Tiles and their specifics


Nutrient Cost of Attacking

Default Battles: 12 Food

Difficult Battles: 24 Food

Tier 1 and two Bosses: 24 Food

Tier 3: 36 Food

Final Boss: 48 Food

Only heroes with sufficient Nutrient to afford the price can participate in the battles.

Some Tiles have more ane formation and thus take more 1 battle to be defeated. Heroes cannot participate in more 1 boxing per tile.

Winning a Battle

Every hero that participates in a battle spends the full Nutrient Cost of the battle (12, 24, 36).

For non-boss battles, nevertheless, meeting certain criteria will refund up to l% of the Nutrient cost.

Each criterion (star) met will render one-6th of the Food Cost, with a 3-star Victory returning half (paradigm on the right).

If a Tile has more than than 1 germination, the thespian that wins the last battle claims the tile.

Restarting or Quitting a Battle

Restarting or Quitting a battle is Non gratis. Choosing to do so volition waive the full cost but one-sixth of the required Nutrient will notwithstanding be deducted (1 Food for default battles and 2 for harder battles). This can exist rather frustrating only is still better than the other consequence known as…

Losing a Battle

If you lose a boxing (all your units defeated or out of fourth dimension), every participating hero will lose the total Nutrient Cost of the boxing. Pay attention and lower the speed settings if you have to. It is ameliorate to only pay the price when things look unfavourable, and either restart or quit the boxing to endeavour again afterwards afterwards powering up.

Similar to the Arcane Labyrinth, afterward a loss, enemy heroes will retain the health that they had at the finish of that battle merely not their energy. Furthermore, the heroes used in the lost battle can no longer be used to fight any of that Tile's battles.

Either you use some other squad of heroes or ask someone else to take the tile instead. Giving up the weakened tile to someone else is better than letting the tile reset. When a tile resets, all Nutrient spent in previous battles is wasted, simply letting someone else take a weakened tile at least reduces the Food Cost for them

Tiles Resetting

If the tile isn't taken, a inaugural timer will kickoff to tick; the duration of the timer depends on the type of tile. At the finish of the countdown, the tile will reset, resurrecting fallen units and restoring all back to full wellness.

Suiciding / Suicide Attacking

This is when you intentionally sacrifice a lineup to make a battle easier, be it for yourself or another. Yous can practice then by using less/weaker non-primary units, or playing the boxing manually and avoiding the use of certain fundamental ultimates.

Tips for Attacking Efficiently

Y'all tin can save Food by attacking tiles with less than five heroes.

When pathing towards locations (Boss Gates, clusters of meliorate quality tiles, etc), the majority of battles faced are barely an inconvenience and do non need a full lineup to exist defeated.

Rangers excel at pathing due to their natural dodge and tenacity proceeds through relics. Mages are less favored due to fewer defensive capabilities and a greater reliance on successful ults for the majority of their damage, merely can still become the job done. Units from the remaining classes more often than not stake due to lack of AOE damage, or insufficient survivability. They can yet exist used, but are unlikely to exist as efficient as Rangers or Mages.

Coordinate with your militia mates! Especially in Tiles that take multiple battles. Everyone probable has a stronger principal team. If you lot and a partner both take 1 boxing each, you both get to apply your strongest teams. Rather than trying to solo, and realizing that your secondary team cannot articulate the final battle.

Relics Arrangement

Relics Tab

Relics are equipment pieces that are either acquired from tile drops or made with Blest Essence.

When slotted into a Co-operative of the tree, they boost the stats of all the heroes under that co-operative. Filling a branch with Relics allows yous to Level Up the co-operative (image on the correct), unlocking higher level Relic slots and unique passives for the heroes.

These Unique passives (paradigm beneath) are unlocked at level 2, 3 and v of the Might, Fortitude, Precipitateness, Sorcery and Sustenance branches respectively.

College-level Relics can be made with Blessed Essence, combining lower-tier relics or a combination of both.


Focus on equipping Relics into the Branch which y'all have the most heroes in, that being either Precipitateness or Sorcery.

This Branch will be your principal focus for the majority of deep-sea, upwardly until the final boss where y'all will need to expand into the other Branches.

3 Reasons to only invest in your main Branch

More investment into one tree gives you the most efficient scaling. 3 Branches at Level 3 is incomparable to one Branch at level five especially if well-nigh of your Heroes are employing in that one Co-operative.

Using your strongest Heroes for battles will issue in more than efficient use of food as yous can use fewer heroes to achieve 3-Star Victories.

Title quests crave your Branch to be at a certain level. Acquiring meliorate Titles a priority as they increase your maximum tile capacity and heroes slots.


Acquiring titles grant you most of the rewards in this event. However, titles are also heavily tied to the progress of the result.

Push to rank up your Title equally soon as possible every bit the benefits accept a compounding upshot on your progression.


  • More than hero slots provide more food regeneration which you can use to get improve tiles;
  • More tile capacity (image on the right)provides more blessed essence and relics to boost your Heroes' Ability rating which allows you to acquire higher tier tiles and attain 3 Star battles more consistently;
  • Same applies for existence able to equip Higher level relics.
Capping out

Before titles have a max relic level that will prevent yous from leveling your Blessed Relic by a sure bespeak. When that happens you are effectively capped out (image below) on your main relic(due south). When that happens, just focus on clearing whatever remaining job(due south) foreclose your Championship ranking upwardly.

Help I can't clear X task to rank up

Near ranks up tasks are piece of cake and but a matter of time (eastward.thousand. Larn X Blest Essence). Still, if yous are a lower leveled histrion, y'all might find sure tasks (e.yard. Occupying 1 hard to capture Tile), difficult or downright incommunicable. And as a result, you lot might find yourself completely stuck, beingness capped out and unable to further power up your main units to clear the remaining task(southward).

The solution to this problem is either suicide-attacking or better yet, seek help from your Militia Mates. By getting a stronger thespian to defeat the get-go battle of a two boxing fight or suicide-attack for yous, harder tiles are fabricated easier for the weaker player to acquire.

Don't be afraid to communicate! There are incentives to go every bit many members of the militia to as high a rank as possible. People will be willing to help, so don't be shy and don't feel embarrassed virtually requesting assist.

An Effective Way to Play

Log in equally early as you can when the effect starts.

Log in at to the lowest degree once every ii hours to collect resources and upgrade tiles.

If fights are too hard, relieve your nutrient and wait for resources to get better relics

Don't waste your energy and fight Gate bosses if you lot exercise not meet the recommended relic requirements. (show example)

If yous're around the elevation xxx% of the Militia

Help others to defeat the kickoff fight of Tiles with 2 battles.

Assist guide others through the event and focusing targets. Every bit of communication often makes a large impact on a social club'southward results

If you're a beginner (around 160 to 200 hero levels)

Focus on upgrading your economy by getting improve tiles. Do not worry about fighting Boss gates.

Enquire others to aid defeat the first fight of ii Battle Cities before taking the second battle yourself.

Return the favor to people that accept helped you.

Be polite. Try to educate yourself as much as possible on the effect. Fifty-fifty if your account isn't amazing, helping guide those with more powerful tools may be worth the effort!

General rules you should follow

Arrive a point to keep ii-3 empty tiles equally "bridges" for other Militia Members to travel through.

Practice non take half beaten Tiles before asking.

If yous lose a battle and cannot continue please let people know and so that they tin can take the tile.

If y'all are at the forepart of your Grouping, practice non abandon tiles that are on the path towards the Militia'south main objective (Boss gate). Assist your Militia past allowing your Militia Members to apply your Bridges and build ahead towards the objective. This manner, your allies do not have to spend food to recapture the empty tiles you merely abandoned to progress ahead of you. (An case on what yous should non be doing on the left)

If your Allies are pathing towards desirable tiles, do not cutting in and capture those tiles. Allow them the opportunity to accept those tiles for themselves as they have spent nutrient to travel to those tiles. Stealing their tiles volition issue in problems listed in Point iv as they would most likely abandon their empty tiles to travel to the next desirable cluster of tiles. If unsure, it's better to ask them first. (An example on what y'all should not be doing below)

Beginner Strategies

If you are at the corner of the map and/or have few allies around to assistance you with capturing difficult tiles (due east.1000. T6) and Bosses, it is meliorate to hopscotch your fashion to the primary group. Y'all volition salve more food traveling across the map to link up with your allies compared to fighting the Dominate gates yourself, especially so if you become capped out.


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